HANDS is excited to announce the re-launch of our Etsy shop: Gifts From the Nile!

The Zabbaleen are a community of garbage collectors, inhabiting some of the poorest corridors of Cairo. Zabbaleen families live entirely on waste, earning a livelihood by collecting and sorting trash. 

The shop features products made by Zabbaleen women from the Association for the Protection of the Environment, one of HANDS’ partner organizations.

The team at the Association for the Protection of the Environment, enables women and girls from these communities to receive job-skills training and participate in income-generating activities. Participants of the program are offered training in the production of jewelry, bags, cards, and more. Items are made from 100% durable, recycled materials.

Invest in Egypt’s future by engaging in fair trade practices with local entrepreneurs looking to grow their small businesses.

Click here to view their amazing work.