In recent years, American perceptions of the Middle East and the Arab world have suffered as a result of political events, lack of communication and interaction, and media portrayal, among other things. Likewise, Arabs’ and Muslims’ views of the United States have grown increasingly negative, particularly among youth. Such a situation has resulted in less productive […]
Alternative breaks offer students the opportunity to travel to Egypt when they are not in school. We are always looking for interested groups of students who have an interest in the region or its rich history and culture. Utilizing our experience, we are able to plan a trip that meets your group’s specific needs and […]
Join us as we explore the history, religions, culture and development efforts of one of the world’s oldest nations. . .
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YEP is an initiative designed to spur entrepreneurship among the most energetic segment of the Egyptian population: the youth. HANDS has partnered the US Department of State and with local organizations to connect young people with the training and education necessary to turn their ideas into commercial enterprises. Some of the participants came to the […]