Thank you to everyone who supported microloans and job-skills training for vulnerable Egyptian communities by joining HANDS’ Virtual Fall Benefit Event! We had a wonderful time celebrating the impact of your investments in Egypt with you all. A highlight of the afternoon was a captivating live interview conducted by WXQR’s Nimet Habachy with Ambassador David Welch and his wife, career US diplomat and HANDS board member, Gretchen Welch, about their time in the ambassador’s residence in Egypt. Many of you have remarked on how much you loved hearing them talk about the relationships they forged in Egypt and their outlook on the US-Egypt relationship. 

For those of you who missed our event, you might be interested in hearing from a beneficiary of HANDS-sponsored microloans, who shared his experience with us. Click on the video below to hear about Gerges’ sock business, funded by generous HANDS donors.

In addition to hearing about the tremendous significance of your contributions, we also enjoyed music by two Egyptian musicians, Ash and Rula Zaki. Click on the video below to watch one of the pieces Ash performed.

You will also appreciate this beautiful Arabic piece that Rula Zaki sang for us. 

While we missed interacting through an in-person event, going virtual allowed us to welcome attendees from all over the world. It was wonderful to see so many of your faces, and we look forward to you joining us for the next HANDS event, hopefully in-person! 

A special thank you to our event sponsors, who are supporting life-transforming efforts in villages and cities across Egypt!

Golden Pharaoh:
Suzy and Sadek Wahba

Silver Scarab:

Apex International Energy
Suzan Habachy

Bronze Ankh:

Care With Love
Graeme and Polly Bannerman
Rodney and Susan Eichler
Skip and Kate Miner
Alex and Magda Shalaby
Gretchen and David Welch

Copper Cartouche:
Nabil and Julie Assaad
Nayer and Christine Bishay
Toni Christiansen
Jennifer Cate and Scott Davis
Nazeeh Habachy
Samia Khalil
Steve and Joy Lutes