Sometimes, running a business is a family endeavor. Nawal, a 45-year old woman, lives with her husband, sons, and daughter-in-law in a rural Egyptian community.
Like many households living nearby, agriculture plays a significant role in their daily life. Nawal’s husband is a farmer who owns a plot of land that he cultivates with one of their sons.
After the marriage of another son, Nawal knew that their small farm would not be sufficient to support his new bride and future children.
After spending much of her life as a wife and mother, Nawal found a new opportunity to provide for her growing family as an entrepreneur. With the assistance of a loan from HANDS supporters, Nawal was able to expand their farm with a sheep business. She is aided by her husband and son who assist with taking care of the animals and feeding them crops grown on the property.
The entire family works and supports each other to ensure the farm’s success for future generations. In addition to providing for her growing family, Nawal has also elevated her own position as both a breadwinner and entrepreneur.
Nawal is among many women who have been enabled by microloans from generous HANDS donors to achieve their entrepreneurial goals.
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